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Ares Emergency Care Manikin

Experience Professional-Grade Trauma Training with this Mobile Emergency Care Manikin

Packed with easy-to-use tech

Prepare for any emergency with Ares' top-tier trauma management training

CAE Ares - ALS Manikin | Sim & Skills

Ares - Key Features

🗣️ Airway

  • Bag-valve-mask ventilation with chest rise and fall
  • Orotracheal and nasotracheal intubation
  • Placement of airway adjuncts
  • Retrograde and fibreoptic intubation
  • Transtracheal jet ventilation
  • Surgical/needle cricothyrotomy
  • Tracheostomy
  • Right mainstem intubation detection
  • Gastric distention with oesophageal intubation
  • Laryngospasm (manual)

🩺 Auscultation

  • Auscultation of normal and abnormal heart, lung and bowel sounds with the StethoSym device
  • Prerecorded speech and vocal sounds
  • Bidirectional audio communication between manikin (operator) and learner

🫁 Respiratory

  • Spontaneous breathing
  • Bilateral and unilateral chest rise and fall
  • Lung auscultation sites on anterior chest
  • Upper airway sounds
  • Bilateral needle decompression with software recognition and resolution

🫀 Circulation

  • Unilateral blood pressure measurement by auscultation and palpation
  • Bilateral carotid and femoral pulses
  • Unilateral radial and brachial pulses
  • User-controllable variable pulse strength
  • 4-lead ECG monitoring with real equipment
  • 12-lead dynamic ECG display
  • Defibrillation, cardioversion and pacing using live equipment via external SymDefib
  • Four intramuscular injection sites


  • Compliant with 2020 AHA BLS guidelines and 2021 ERC guidelines
  • CPR compressions generate palpable pulse, blood pressure, waveform and
    ECG artifacts
  • Realistic chest compression depth and resistance
  • Software metrics detect hand placement, rate and depth of compressions, recoil, ventilations and ventilation-to-compression ratio

🧠 Neurology

SymEyes - Alter the appearance of the eyelids, pupils and sclera (Ares Complete & Advanced Configurations)

💉 Vascular Access

  • Unilateral IV cannulation at antecubital and dorsum of hand
  • Blood draw with vacuum-sealed blood-collection system
  • Unilateral humeral Intraosseous access

🦵 Articulation

  • Realistic articulation of hips, knees, ankles and shoulders
  • Cervical motion for practice of patient stabilisation

💧 Urinary

  • Urinary catheterisation with fluids
  • Interchangeable male and female genitalia
CAE Ares - ALS Manikin | Sim & Skills

What's included with Ares?

☑️ Instructor Tablet

☑️ IV Arm

☑️ NIBP Arm

☑️ Gender Conversion Kit

☑️ StethoSym

☑️ SymDefib

☑️ SymEyes

☑️ Modelled Physiology


❓ 12" Tablet PC Patient Monitor

❓ All-in-One PC Patient Monitor

AresAR - Augmented Reality

Upgrade the learning experience with augmented reality using the latest headset technology.

AresAR complements the Ares manikin or works as a standalone tool to provide an engaging learning experience with large-scale anatomical views.

Watch a 3-minute demo of the Ares Emergency Care Simulator

See the key features explained in this quick head-to-toe overview of the Ares patient simulator.

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