Practice acute, critical, and chronic paediatric care
Simulating a 7-year-old child, Aria supports training for some of the most common and emotionally charged paediatric emergencies, from an accidental overdose to a gunshot wound.
Students and practicing professionals can make assessments, apply clinical decision-making and provide medical interventions in a risk-free environment, so they’re ready for the real thing.
Aria - Key Features
👄 Airway
👄 Airway
- Anatomically accurate oral cavity and realistic airway
- Nasotracheal/orotracheal intubation (ET tube)
- Retrograde and fibreoptic intubation
- Transtracheal jet ventilation
- Ariticulation to support head tilt, chin lift, and jaw thrust
- Distended abdomen with esophageal intubation
- LMA, i-gel® and King insertion
- Oral and nasal pharyngeal airway insertion
- Bag-valve-mask support and recognition
- Surgical/needle cricothyrotomy
- Tracheostomy
- Abdominal distention with oesophageal intubation
- Swollen tongue, pharyngeal swelling and laryngospasm to provide
challenging intubation - Automatic detection and logging of right main stem
- Unilateral chest rise and lung sounds with right main stem
- Bronchial occlusion
- Variable lung compliance and resistance
🫁 Breathing
🫁 Breathing
- Compliant with ERC guidelines
- Spontaneous breathing with chest rise and fall
- Visible chest rise during bag-valve-mask ventilation
- Variable inspiratory/expiratory ratios
- Substernal retractions
- Mechanical ventilation support
• Supports asynchronous volume and pressure-controlled ventilation
• Supports PEEP (up to 20 cm H2O) - Ventilation measurement
- Simulated pulse oximeter
- Chest tube placement
- Unilateral mid-clavicular needle decompression with detection,automatic resolution, and logging
- Automatic detection, resolution and logging of mid-clavicular needle
🫀 Circulation
🫀 Circulation
- Bilateral palpable pulses with event detection and logging
• Carotid, brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis - Pulse palpation event detection and logging
- Blood pressure-dependent pulses
- Non-invasive blood pressure with Korotkoff sounds
- Variable pulse strength
- Circumoral cyanosis
- Peripheral capillary refill (normal, delayed, or none)
- Fingerstick blood glucose testing with real equipmen
- Chest compression feedback and monitoring compliant with AHA CPR
requiremtents. - Effective chest compressions generate palpable femoral pulses and electrocardiogram (ECG) activity
- Supports ECG montoring using real devices/ECG monitors
- Chest compression depth sensor providing real-time quality feedback
and reporting - Library of over 55 cardiac rhythms
- Software-based 12-lead ECG
🧠 Neurological
🧠 Neurological
- SymEyes with pupil reactivity and condition presets
- Pain response(verbal) via sternal rub
- Convulsions
💉 Vascular Access
💉 Vascular Access
- Unilateral anterolateral thigh intramuscular and subcutaneous injection sites
- Humeral IO (no fluids) and tibial IO (no fluids)
- Antecubital venipuncture site with flashback
- Pre-ported jugular catheter and dorsum of left hand
🦵 Articulation
🦵 Articulation
- Neck supports joint articulation with the ability to set for nuchal rigidity (stiff neck)
- Realistic joint articulation in neck, shoulders, elbows, hips and knees
- Forearm pronation and supination
💦 Gastric & Urinary
💦 Gastric & Urinary
- Interchangeable female and
male genitalia - Urinary catheterisation with
urine output - Orogastric/nasogastric tube (no fluids)
- Gastrostomy tube (with fluids)
- Suppository administration
🔊 Sounds
🔊 Sounds
- Auscultation of normal and abnormal heart, lung, and abdominal sounds with
volume control - 60+ scripted male/female vocal expressions and sounds
- Wireless voice capability
Augment your simulation training
Accessories for Aria Paediatric Patient Simulator
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