Sim & Skills Ltd is authorised to supply Simulation Devices and Services via the NHS Supply Chain Framework.
Contract Reference Number: 2022/S 000-031912 - Simulation Devices & Services
The Framework enables you to save money and time by accessing preferential framework prices which have already been negotiated, meaning you do not need to go out to tender.
For more information email sales@simandskills.com
Who can access the NHS Supply Chain Framework?
- NHS Trusts
- Acute or Foundation NHS trusts
- Ambulance NHS trusts
- Community NHS trusts
- Mental Health NHS trusts
- Educational Institutions
- Universities
- Colleges
- Schools
- Charities
- Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
- Crown Dependency
- Devolved Authority
- GP Surgeries
- Independent Sector Provider
- National Public Service
- Prisons
- Local Authorities
- Ministry of Defence
- NHS Commissioning or any other allied organisation
- Not-for-profit organisations
- Service Providers to the NHS
- Private Hospitals (Spire, Bupa, BMI, non-NHS Dentists etc.)
Information from NHS Supply Chain
NHS Supply Chain Framework is available to NHS customers, Educational sector such as Universities and Further Education Colleges, blue light services and other public sector organisations.
Simulation Devices and Services agreement is a new Framework that has been created from our current agreement for External Defibrillation. This previously included two lots covering Resuscitation Manikins and Simulation Manikins.
(The External Defibrillation framework is also being replaced but is not due to expire until 31 July 2023. Hence there will be a short period, approx. three months where there will be crossover).
This new framework covers a wide range of products, such as an adult forearm used for IV training, rescue manikins, birthing simulators, full body simulation manikins, airway management and many more. Manikins are available in different skin tones, sizes and complexity. Devices can be purchased from all awarded framework suppliers. The wide range of products that are available via this agreement will provide value for money and compliant purchases for NHS trusts, healthcare organisations, education and wider public sector organisations. Although products are purchased via direct route.
Savings opportunities
The framework provides savings via potential switching opportunities; there are a variety of products from a number of suppliers awarded to the framework.
If you are interested in making savings via switching, please speak to your NHS Supply Chain Customer Relationship Manager.
Net Zero and Social Value
From April 2022 all of our frameworks have adopted the Procurement Policy Notice 06/20. The suppliers on this framework have demonstrated their plans for:
- Covid-19 recovery,
- tackling economic inequality,
- fighting climate change,
- equal opportunity; and
- well-being.
Sustainable opportunities/ solutions/products on this framework
- Reduced packaging and single use plastic where possible.
Please note: To order products available via the direct route, you will need to quote your unique reference number when you place an order.
- Leading suppliers on contract – providing enhanced range and value from a single source.
More savings
- Pay less – with NHS Supply Chain you have a wider range of product options so you can select the ones that are fit for purpose and value for money.
- Leave your tendering to us – spend less time and money on tendering and let our procurement specialists undertake it on your behalf.
- Back office savings – the efficiency of our service, ranging from e-ordering to consolidated deliveries, enables significant back office savings.
More value
- An integrated approach – the financial benefits of NHS Supply Chain go beyond just product prices. Our approach is an integrated one that reduces cost throughout the supply chain, from raw materials to global logistics, resulting in a much lower total cost.
- Purchasing through our route – when there are changes in the market, we can help minimise the impact of price rises and give support with cost saving initiatives.
Our knowledge and expertise
- Dedicated Customer Relationship Managers – your day to day contact for all queries. They will help you identify savings opportunities, solve any issues on your behalf and ensure high service levels are always met.
- NHS Supply Chain Buyers – procurement specialists in their product fields who can give expert advice on new and alternative products.
- Implementation Team – experts in helping you set up the new processes and training required when introducing new products.
- Customer Services Team – with the daily support provided by our dedicated and knowledgeable advisors and service managers you know you are in safe hands.
- Customer Assurance – providing customers with the confidence and assurance of products using a process of clinical evaluation and engagement with clinical users. This ensures all products are clinically assured by the CaPA process supported by engagement with an aligned Trusted Customer.
Peace of mind
- Dependable deliveries – having access to the know-how and resources of one of the world’s largest logistics companies means we can offer unrivaled dependability and responsiveness when it comes to our delivery services.
- Framework agreement – awarded in accordance with European procurement legislation.
- Sustainable development – we are certified to ISO 140001 International Standard for Environment Management System.