Multidisciplinary unassisted and emergency childbirth care
Labour and delivery scenarios often require assistance from various healthcare providers. With Lucina, every necessary health professional is covered, resulting in a true multidisciplinary education experience.

Lucina - Key Features
🫁 Airway & Breathing
🫁 Airway & Breathing
- Realistic upper airway
- Positive pressure ventilation including bag-valve-mask ventilation
- Advanced lungs with mechanical ventilation support, including patient-triggered modes
- Airway management and ventilation
- Supports endotracheal tubes, nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal airways
- Spontaneous breathing with chest excursion
- Lung auscultation: anterior and posterior
🫀 Circulation
🫀 Circulation
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring posts for interface with real ECG monitor with
a library of over 50 cardiac rhythms - 12-lead dynamic ECG display
- Variable pulse strength
- Dynamic bilateral pulses: carotid, radial, brachial and dorsalis pedis
- Correct hand placement detection for chest compressions
- Advanced CPR analysis (compression depth and rate, chest recoil, compression
fraction, ventilation volume and rate) - Compliant with ERC guidelines
- Pacing, cardioversion and defibrillation with real equipment
- NIBP by auscultation and palpation
- Heart sounds
👶 Foetus
👶 Foetus
- Foetal heart sounds (five locations based on fetal presentation)
- Articulated foetal body and neck (with lateral neck movement), shoulders, elbows, hips and knees
- Clinically accurate foetal size with tactile realism–50th percentile on the WHO growth chart
- Foetal neck traction sensing
- Palpable fontanel and sagittal suture
- Foetal airway suctioning
- Programmable audible cry upon delivery
- Predicted 1-minute and 5-minute Apgar scores based on foetal blood-gas values
- Umbilical cord that can be cut and clamped (cord not reusable post-cut
💦 Fluids
💦 Fluids
- Postpartum bleeding tank (1.8 L)
- Bilateral IV arms
- Urinary catheterisation with urine
release - Epidural infusion
🤰 Intrapartum
🤰 Intrapartum
- Realistic palpable uterine contractions
- Trendelenburg position with detection
- Controllable rate and duration of
contractions - Shoulder dystocia with presentation of turtle-sign
- Left lateral tilt with detection
- Vertex and breech delivery
- Shoulder dystocia with presentation of turtle-sign
- McRoberts manoeuvre with observable/software detectable pelvic tilt
- Suprapubic pressure support and detection with palpable symphysis pubis
- Supports delivery of posterior arm during shoulder dystocia
- Zavanelli manoeuvre with detection C-section team training support
- Rubin II and Woods: Screw manoeuvres to resolve shoulder dystocia
- Forceps application Vacuum extraction
- Intact/fragmented placenta with realistic colour, texture and flexibility
- Integrated maternal-foetal physiological
modeling - Realistic birth canal and vulva
- Perineum support with accurate foetal
descent and rotation - Multiple birthing positions: lithotomy,
sitting and all-fours - Rectal suppository administration
- Urgent obstetrical learning module
👩🍼 Postpartum
👩🍼 Postpartum
- Postpartum haemorrhaging, including Class III haemorrhage
- Contracted and boggy uterus
- Uterine blood released upon massage
- Bimanual compression and uterine massage with detection and automatic
response - Inverted postpartum uterus *
- Uterine reversion *
- Intrauterine balloon insertion
* Included with optional Advanced OB/GYN Accessory Kit

LucinaAR - Augmented Reality
Upgrade the learning experience with augmented reality using the latest headset technology.
LucinaAR offers real-time, interactive 3D holograms of anatomy and responsive mother-baby physiology.
Using this augmented reality feature, learners can practise handling various birthing scenarios, such as:
- Normal delivery
- Shoulder dystocia
- Breech delivery
- Instruments anterior
- Postpartum haemorrhage
Accessories for Lucina
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