Sim Tech Live welcomed Simulation Technicians from 50 different Universities and NHS Trusts to participate in an informative two-day event, hosted by Sim & Skills.

Over the two days, more than 60 attendees took part in 8 incredible workshops, entered 4 competitions and got their hands on the latest simulation products. But best of all, guests got close and personal with helicopters at our venue Midlands Air Ambulance HQ.

The feedback has been incredibly positive.

All the workshops were hosted on a carousel-based agenda, allowing the sim techs to enjoy them all, without missing a thing.
Day one workshops welcomed Dan Blood University of Surrey, Chris Porter, Joe Natalello Staffordshire University, Max Smiech & Stuart Hildage Decent Simulators, Mary Holding West Herts NHS Trust, and Charles Everard University of Greenwich. These workshops showcased the fringes of Sim Tech roles, Immersive Rooms, 3D printing and so much more.

After a great first day of interactive workshops, the Sim & Skills team settled down with the Sim Techs to enjoy a relaxed BBQ with drinks and games. This was a great opportunity to network with other people in the industry and share any tips or advice.
Day two welcomed new workshop hosts including Nathan Connell University of Salford, Aaron Thind SimEPR, Brad Woodward & Oliver Stuart RiVR. This time, focusing on how to run, set up and utilise MetaHumans in simulated practice learning, basic coding principles, and rapid contextual virtual reality training.

Four lucky technicians walked away with some fantastic prizes:

Thank you to everyone who took part, and thank you to our suppliers who provided the prizes.
Sim Tech Live was a huge success and saw the largest-ever gathering of simulation technicians in the UK. Giving them a chance to talk about important topics, learn about different areas of healthcare simulation, and see the great products Sim & Skills offers.

The Midlands Air Ambulance Charity base was an extraordinary venue and offered everything we required. A massive thank you to Emily Browne, for helping to organise this event and helping to make it as successful as it was.
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