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What's next after T-Level Health?

What's next after T-Level Health? - Sim & Skills

The go-to places for student career advice

Results day is a huge moment for T-Level Health students and their teachers.

Two years of hard work and dedication resting on a final grade.

The marks students receive will determine where they head next on their career journey.

What do I do after T-Levels?

Many students will have already chosen their post-college path, but if your students didn't get the grades they were expecting or they've changed their minds about the route they want to take, they'll need some support.

There are lots of options out there, so you'll want to give them the best career advice.

How can I help my T-Level students with career advice?

There are almost as many career websites as there are careers.

Here's a round-up of the best career sites for T-Level Health students.

National Careers Service

National careers service for T-Level Health


Prospects- apprenticeship advice

 Prospects for T-Level Health students


NHS Careers 

 NHS careers for Healthcare career advice


Universities and Colleges Admissions Service

UCAS clearing service for T-Level Health students

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