01246 944966
01246 944966
The top 3 questions we get asked by customers purchasing injection training equipment are:
There is a VERY good reason we can’t accurately answer these questions – there are SO many variables to consider.
We recommend using a 22 guage (blue) needle when practising venepunture and cannulation. The smaller the needle, the smaller the hole in the skin and the greater likelihood it will successfully reseal.
If you’re worried about the realism of the scenario being compromised, swapping the needle cap to a grey one, for example, may be a good solution. It is important clinician learns to reach for the right colour cannula in an emergency but using a smaller guage needle will prolong the life of your simulator.
Modern IV arms such as the BT Inc IV arm and Medicor Lab IV arm are constructed from silicone polymers rather than traditional PVC. Silicone reseals much better and often it is impossible to see any needle tracks after removing the cannula. Silicone arms do need looking after though and it can take time, usually overnight, for them to reseal fully.
The seemingly invisible work of the Sim Tech is key here. When the session is over and the students have gone, the painstaking task of flushing out and cleaning the IV training arms begins.
If you leave fluid in an IV arm, over time bacteria will cause mould growth. Mould and other particles will clog the vein tubing. This problem can be very expensive if you use a mechanical pump to simulate circulation because undrained fluid can damage it.
By this, we mean consider how skilled and experienced your clinicians are and use the appropriate IV training arm for their level.
Some IV arms are good for beginners, such as the BT Inc IV arms. Why?
Some IV arms are more suited to intermediate and advanced clinicians, such as the Nasco Healthcare IV arms. Why?
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