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Grab the final tickets for Sim Tech Live 2024

Grab the final tickets for Sim Tech Live 2024 - Sim & Skills

Sim Tech Live on 15th and 16th August, will see more than 70 simulation technicians from across the country come together for two days of hands-on workshops, interactive demos, and networking opportunities.

The biggest event of its kind, hosted by Sim & Skills also includes free accommodation for attendees, lunches and an evening BBQ social.

Technicians will have the opportunity to see the latest technological innovations in healthcare simulation, explore immersive, interactive rooms and receive career development support.

Confirmed workshops include:

Getting more from your immersive room with Immersive Interactive.

SimOS- exploring the fringes of SimTech roles, functions and skill sets with Dan Blood, University of Surrey.

An introduction to practical effects and moulage in simulation: how to make realistic and usable props for medical and communication-based scenarios with Danielle Mayo, University of Salford.

Exploring 3D printing with Decent Simulators.

MetaHuman: how to run, set up and utilise MetaHumans in Simulated practice learning with Nathan Connell, University of Salford.

To offer this experience to technicians from as many different universities and NHS Trusts as possible, invitations have been sent out to one technician per organisation.

The first round of ticket invitations has closed, so we can now offer the remaining tickets to any simulation technicians who would like to come.

So be quick and snap up the limited number we have left.

For more information and to register, visit the event page.

When the event has sold out, please contact us to be placed on the waiting list:



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