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The digital technology you need in Nursing Education

The digital technology you need in Nursing Education - Sim & Skills

This week nurses across the country are celebrating International Nurses Day which takes place on 12th May.

The annual event aims to recognise the huge impact nurses have on the whole span of people’s lives and the significant impact nurses have on their patients.

Organisers also raise awareness of the highly-skilled, safety-critical nature of modern nursing.

Increasingly, nursing is a profession that is embracing new and emerging technologies, to help improve the safety of patients.

The word ‘digital’ is mentioned 90 times in the NHS Long Term Plan. It is very much part of the future of nursing. And for good reason. Digital technology can improve patient safety and increase the efficacy of care.

This shift is having an impact on nursing education.

Does technology play a significant role in nursing education?

Many nursing programmes across the country are investing in digital solutions. These tools are helping bridge the gap between theory and practice.

AI technology is also playing a significant role in nursing education. With AI technology already being implemented across the NHS, it’s important that students understand its potential impact on care and the delivery of health services.

Supporting nursing students with digital technology

Whether it’s using interactive software to increase your students' knowledge and skills or using electronic patient records, having the right tools will help your nursing students develop the digital skills they need alongside their clinical skills.

Here are our recommended digital software solutions that will ensure you can offer your nursing students the best digital learning experiences.

Immersify for Nursing




PCS Spark


Interactive, immersive spaces

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