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Get Your Hands on a Unique Bariatric Training Mannequin

Get Your Hands on a Unique Bariatric Training Mannequin - Sim & Skills

Sim & Skills are delighted to announce our new partnership with Bariquins, creators of a unique Bariatric training mannequin.

 Why do we need Bariatric training manikins?

Currently, 1 in 4 people in the UK suffers from obesity. By 2030 it is predicted this will increase to 1 in 3 people. This means the number of Bariatric patients in the UK requiring specialist care and support is rising.

 Bariquins Bariatric Training Manikin

What effect does obesity have on the healthcare profession?

The number of patients admitted to hospital with obesity-related disorders is rising each year. There are also an increasing number of paramedic calls requiring the assistance of the fire service, to safely transfer Bariatric patients to hospital.

Handling and supporting patients suffering from obesity has an effect on nurses, carers and emergency workers. One of the largest reasons for sickness absence across the NHS is musculoskeletal disorders caused by patient-handling.

The rise in the number of Bariatric patients needing support, increases the risk of patient-handling injuries.

Bariquins Bariatric Training Manikin

Why is it so important to practise manual handling?

Manual-handling related injuries can be reduced when staff have the correct training. The skills needed for correct Bariatric patient handling need to be taught and refreshed regularly.

Patients struggling with their mobility due to obesity, have needs that require specific approaches to transportation, care and rescues. Bariatric manual handling training ensures patients who suffer from obesity and are struggling with their mobility, are supported with dignity.

What makes Bariquin Bariatric Mannequins so Unique?

Although regarded as an essential piece of manual-handling training equipment, Bariatric manikins can sometimes be a problematic training aid. Some manikins are incredibly heavy and require multiple people to move and set up for a training session. Others need to be filled with water to simulate the correct weight, requiring trainers to source a tap.

Bariquins Bariatric Training Mannequins solve these problems. Each mannequin consists of 15 weighted parts, with the heaviest bag weighing 16kg, about the weight of a holiday suitcase. Each bag connects using a system of decals that identify where each section fits together.

A Bariquins Bariatric Mannequin can be assembled and taken apart in just 10 minutes. Its unique assembly system means only one trainer is needed to carry each part and assemble the mannequin.

What can a Bariquins Bariatric Mannequin be used for?

The Bariquins Bariatric mannequin is perfect for developing the skills and knowledge needed to safely support, care for and rescue patients suffering from obesity.

The unique modular system allows for more complex Bariatric training scenarios including evacuations from buildings and vehicles. Emergency and Rescue Services staff can experience extricating patients from challenging environments including collapses in tightly confined spaces, overturned cars, or smoke-filled rooms.

Bariquins Bariatric Training Manikin

Both Benny and Barry Bariquin come with a jacket, head, hands and feet, to realistically simulate a bariatric patient. The limbs are designed to flex like a real person, with realistic weight distribution throughout the body. Made from impact-resistant material, the mannequins are designed to be very durable.

The total weight of the mannequin is 159 kilos or 25 stone. A portable, roll-cage is also available to purchase, allowing for the easy transportation of the mannequin to training venues and simulation centres.



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